8 causes of hair thinning and 7 ways to prevent hair loss

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Are you losing more hair than usual? Learn 8 common causes of hair thinning that can cause you to lose more hair, and what to do about it.

Most people experience hair loss at some point, but excessive hair loss can lead to hair thinning. Although you may associate it with aging or genetics, there are actually many factors that can cause hair thinning, some of which may surprise you. The causes of hair thinning are wide and complex, from medical conditions like alopecia areata to stress and hormonal imbalances. Lifestyle habits such as excessive heat styling and regular chemical treatments can also have an impact. If you’ve noticed your hair becoming thinner lately, here’s why it’s probably thinning and what you can do about it.

What is thinning hair?

Hair thinning is the gradual thinning of hair, becoming less dense and often with a noticeable loss of volume. The hairline on your scalp may appear to recede, widen in areas, or become sparse. There are several possible causes of hair loss, including genetics, hormonal imbalances, stress, improper diet, and medical conditions. You can tell if your hair is thinning if you notice increased hair loss, a change in texture, or if you can see your scalp through the hair.

What causes thinning hair?

Here are eight common causes of hair thinning that can cause excessive hair loss and reduce hair volume and density.

1. Medical condition

Alopecia areata is an autoimmune disease in which the immune system mistakenly attacks the hair follicles, causing hair loss and thinning. This condition causes patchy hair loss on the scalp and can progress to a more severe form of hair loss in some cases. Although the exact cause is still unknown, a study published in the journal Experimental Dermatology suggests that a combination of genetic predisposition and environmental factors such as infections and stress may contribute to the development of alopecia areata. got it. This can affect both men and women and is not related to any other health condition.

2. Genetics

This is also one of the common causes of hair thinning. Genetics plays an important role in hair thinning, especially in conditions like androgenetic alopecia, also known as male or female pattern baldness. This genetic disorder can cause thinning hair all over the scalp and is linked to certain genes inherited from your parents or grandparents.

3. Hormone imbalance

Hormonal changes are a major factor in hair thinning, especially for women. Conditions such as pregnancy, menopause, and polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) can disrupt the normal balance of hormones such as estrogen and testosterone, leading to hair thinning. A study published in the journal Cureus found a direct correlation between elevated androgen (male hormone) levels and hair thinning in women, especially those with PCOS. Hormonal imbalances can cause hair to enter the shedding phase prematurely, resulting in noticeable hair thinning.

Causes of thinning hair
Thinning hair may be caused by hormonal imbalance. Image courtesy: Adobe Stock

4. Stress

Stress is one of the common causes of hair loss, and there is scientific evidence to support this claim. When a person experiences significant stress, it can cause a condition called telogen effluvium, where hair begins to fall out prematurely. A study published by the National Institutes of Health found that chronic stress can increase cortisol levels, which can disrupt the hair growth cycle and cause excessive hair loss. This type of hair loss is usually temporary and resolves once the stress subsides.

5. Vitamin deficiencies

Deficiencies in certain vitamins and minerals can cause hair thinning. Deficiencies in iron, vitamin D, and biotin are commonly associated with hair loss. A study published in the Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology found that low vitamin D levels are associated with hair thinning, especially in patients with androgenetic alopecia. Iron deficiency anemia has also been found to be an important factor in hair loss, as it affects the oxygen supply to the hair follicles. Make sure to get these nutrients in your daily meals.

6. Frequent hair treatments

Regular use of harsh chemical treatments such as dyes, perms, and relaxers can weaken your hair and cause it to thin over time. These treatments often cause thinning hair as they strip the scalp and hair of their natural oils and moisture, leaving them dry and prone to breakage. Performing these treatments more frequently may increase the risk of long-term damage. To promote healthy hair growth, it is essential to limit the use of chemicals and focus on nourishing and protecting your hair.

7. Use of excessive heat

Frequent use of heated styling tools such as flat irons, curling irons, and blow dryers can cause major damage to your hair. Extreme heat is one of the biggest causes of hair thinning. The protein structure of your hair weakens, making it dry, brittle, and prone to breakage. Over time, this can lead to noticeable hair thinning. To prevent these causes of hair thinning, it’s important to minimize heat exposure and always use heat protection products to protect your hair from damage caused by high temperatures.

8. Certain medicines

According to Harvard Health Publishing, some medications, such as chemotherapy drugs, blood thinners, and antidepressants, can cause hair thinning as a side effect. Medications used for conditions such as high blood pressure, arthritis, and depression can disrupt the normal hair growth cycle. If you notice hair loss and suspect it is related to medication, it is important to consult your health care provider. They can help suggest alternatives and solutions to minimize the impact on your hair.

Certain medications can cause hair thinning. Image provided by: Freepik

How to deal with thinning hair?

There can be many causes for hair thinning, and addressing it can be a gradual process. Follow these tips to manage your symptoms:

1. Make sure you’re getting enough vitamins and minerals, especially iron, vitamin D, biotin, and zinc.
2. Limit the use of chemical treatments such as perms, dyes, and relaxers that can weaken your hair.
3. Use gentle sulfate-free shampoos and conditioners to avoid unnecessary damage.
4. Avoid using heat styling tools or always apply heat protectant before styling.
5. Chronic stress can contribute to hair loss. Incorporating relaxation techniques like yoga, meditation, and deep breathing can reduce stress levels and support healthy hair growth.
6. Gently head massage your scalp to increase blood circulation and promote hair growth. Use oils such as coconut oil or argan oil to provide nourishment.
7. Hairstyles that tug on the scalp, such as ponytails and braids, can cause traction alopecia. Choose a looser style to reduce stress on your hair.

If your hair thinning continues, consult a dermatologist to correctly diagnose the cause of your hair thinning and receive treatment!

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