Does abdominal exercise help you lose belly fat?

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Want to remove belly fat? Then sit for a loss of belly fat along with heart exercise and eating healthy foods.

It is an established fact that losing weight overall helps you gain a flat stomach. However, there are certain exercises that target belly fat. One of them is abdominal exercise, which can strengthen abdominal muscles such as the abdominal abdomen and external oblique angles. This is one of the best ways to get a strong core. However, you will not lose belly fat by relying on this exercise. Fitness goals can only be achieved when working with aerobic exercise and healthy eating. You can learn how to do abdominal exercises to reduce belly fat, but also focus on other calorie burning exercises.

What is abdominal exercise?

“They are a kind of exercise that targets the abdominal muscles,” says fitness expert Abi Singh Thakur. To do this exercise, bend your knees, flatten your legs on the floor, place your hands behind your head or lie on your back with your chest crossed. Next, lift your upper body towards your knees and slowly lower your hips. “This movement strengthens the muscles in your core,” says the expert.

Woman doing abdominal exercise
Abs exercises are perfect for your core. Image provided by ShutterStock

What are the benefits of abdominal exercise?

This exercise offers several benefits, including:

  • Strong core: “They get involved in the abdominal muscles and lead to a strong core,” experts say. A 2016 study published in the Journal of Bhysicyal Therapy Science found it to be an effective exercise that activates abdominal muscles such as abdominal muscles and external oblique angles.
  • Better balance: A strong core means you can maintain balance. When the balance improves, the change in falls decreases.
  • Improved flexibility: Abdominal exercises help to make the muscles of the spine and hip more flexible.
  • Increases endurance: Regular abs exercises improve muscle endurance and facilitate daily activities.
  • Improve muscle mass: They may help prevent muscle loss. In a 2016 study published in Interventional Medicine and Applied Science, researchers found that older women who were able to perform abdominal exercise were less likely to have sarcopenia, a muscle loss associated with age.

Abdominal exercises for belly fat loss: Will they help?

If you are thinking about doing abdominal exercises to reduce belly fat, you need to know that exercise cannot directly eliminate fat around the stomach. “They can strengthen your core and burn calories, but they don’t burn enough calories to cause a big fat loss,” says Thakur.

Fat loss occurs when you burn more calories than your body consumes. Abdominal exercises help build muscle in the stomach area and make your stomach look tight when fat is reduced by the heart and healthy diet. In fact, doing this exercise can make things worse. “If you do 100 abdominal exercises a day, doing that every day ruins your recovery system. The abdominal muscles are small so you don’t need 100 people,” says the expert.

How to exercise abdominal muscles?

While doing abdominal exercises may not be enough for abdominal fat loss, they can help you make your stomach stronger.

  • Lie on the mat with your knees bent and your feet flat on the ground.
  • Place your hands behind your head or chest.
  • Tighten the abdominal muscles to guide the core.
  • Lift your upper body towards your knees without pulling your neck.
  • Slowly, your hips are at the starting position.

“Repeat 3-4 sets of 15-20 reps. In addition to doing abdominal exercises for lowering belly fat, perform full body exercises to get better results,” the expert says.

Woman doing abdominal exercise
Aerobic exercise is performed along with abdominal exercise to reduce belly fat. Image provided by ShutterStock

What do you do with abdominal exercises to reduce belly fat?

You need to do more than abdominal exercise to reduce belly fat. This is how you can lose belly fat:

  • Eating healthy foods: Burns sugar, junk food and excess calories. “You can eat more protein and fiber. This way you will be able to lose weight,” says the expert.
  • Do aerobic exercise: Running, swimming, cycling, and skipping are some of the aerobic exercises that help you burn overall body fat, including belly fat.
  • Strength training: Lifting weight and doing weight exercises such as squats and push-ups can help boost your metabolism.
  • Maintain hydration: “Drink enough water to drink at least eight glasses of glasses a day to boost your metabolism,” experts say. It stimulates your body, breaks down fat and helps you lose weight.
  • Manage stress: Chronic stress is not good for your overall health, including the abdomen. “It can increase belly fat due to the stress hormone cortisol,” says Thakur. Increased hormone production can lead to increased appetite and fat storage around the abdomen.

Who shouldn’t do abdominal exercises to reduce belly fat?

Abdominal exercises can be performed to reduce belly fat along with other movements, but this exercise may not be suitable for everyone. Avoid it if you have:

  • lower back pain: “Abdominal exercise is difficult on the back because it puts pressure on the spine,” experts say. According to Harvard Health Publishing, they can lead to lower back pain and discomfort.
  • Neck pain: If not done correctly, exercise can put strain on the neck.
  • pregnancy: Due to pressure on the abdomen, sitting in for abdominal fat loss is not safe during pregnancy.

It’s not enough to do just abdominal exercises to reduce belly fat. It can become part of your fitness routine, as it gives you a tone tummy. However, if you have a medical condition, consult your doctor before performing this exercise.

Related FAQs

Which exercise burns the most belly fat?

Some of the best exercises to burn belly fat are compound exercises such as squats, pull-ups, push-ups, and deadlifts. They not only burn fat, but also increase strength. There is also aerobic exercise that will burn calories. You can go for running, jogging, jumping rope, and burpees.

Does the board reduce belly fat?

No, planks help strengthen and tighten the core muscles, but don’t burn belly fat directly. However, when combined with a calorie deficit diet and aerobic exercise, the boards can make your belly look more firm and flatter.

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