Pilates for Neck Pain: 10 Must See Exercises to Reduce Discomfort

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Doing Pilates for neck pain is a simple and effective approach to alleviating discomfort. Check out the best exercises and how to do them.

If you’re someone who spits pills due to persistent discomfort in your neck and upper back, it may be time to look for a natural, long-term solution to the problem. This pain can limit actions, disrupt sleep, and reduce overall work productivity. The good news is that incorporating concentrated Pilates into neck pain and stiffness in your workout routine will help you improve your overall well-being while reducing these symptoms. These exercises help strengthen muscles, improve flexibility and strengthen blood flow to the community. Plus, you can run it at home without any special equipment. You’d like to try Pilates for neck pain, here are some of the best exercises from the start.

What is Pilates?

Pilates is a low-collision training founded by Joseph Pilates in the early 20th century. Joseph Pilates thought that mental and physical health was closely related. His workout was intended to increase flexibility, balance, and overall physical awareness while strengthening the muscles in his core. Pilates focuses on regulated movement, correct alignment, breathing work and conscious synchronization, according to a study published in the Journal Muscles Ligaments tendon. It can be done with certain equipment such as mats, reformers, Cadillacs, and Unda chairs.

Pilates is more gentle on the joints than impactful workouts and is suitable for healing from injuries or living with chronic pain, such as neck discomfort. If you’re looking to try Pilates for neck pain, here are a few exercises you can start.

Woman doing pilates
Pilates for neck pain is a low-impact exercise that helps reduce discomfort. Image provided by Adobe Stock

Pilates for neck pain: How does it help?

Pilates reduces neck discomfort by focusing on core strength and posture alignment. Pilates strengthens the muscles that support the deep core, especially the spine, and provides a solid foundation to reduce neck tension. It also emphasizes accurate movement and body recognition, as seen in a study published in the Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies.

Pilates movement also increases neck and shoulder flexibility and range of motion, reduces stress and increases general mobility. Essentially it provides a balanced and supportive framework for neck rest. Whether you have chronic neck discomfort or want to take precautions, doing Pilates for neck pain is a safe and effective technique to reduce discomfort.

Pilates for Neck Pain: 10 Exercises to Try

If you want to try Pilates for neck pain, start with these simple and effective workouts, as suggested by Pilates expert Dr Vajara Shravani.

1. Nod in the neck

  • He sits on his relaxed shoulders and is tall.
  • Bring your chin towards your chest.
  • Slowly return to the starting position.
  • Repeat 10 to 15 times.

This helps improve neck flexibility and range of motion.

2. Jink tuck

  • It sits, tall and relaxes your shoulders.
  • Slowly pull your chin back, as if to lengthen the back of your neck.
  • Keep it and then release it.
  • Repeat 10 to 15 times.

If you want to try Pilates for neck pain, this exercise is the best as it strengthens deep neck flexors and improves posture.

Woman doing pilator
Pilates exercises help to reduce pain and increase overall well-being. Image provided by Adobe Stock

3. Bending of the outer neck

  • Sitting and tall.
  • Slowly tilt your head to one side and your ears towards your shoulders.
  • Return to the center and repeat on the other side.
  • Perform 10 repetitions on one side.

This exercise will help you stretch the neck muscles.

4. Neck rotation

  • Sitting and tall.
  • Slowly rotate your head and move slowly.
  • Repeat five rotations in each direction.

Doing Pilates for neck pain can help increase neck mobility, especially such movement.

5. I’ll shrug

  • Sit down, tall, with your arms on your arms.
  • Lift your shoulders towards your ears.
  • Hold and slowly lower.
  • Repeat 10 to 15 times.

This exercise also releases tension in the upper trapezius.

6. Retracting the shoulder blade

  • Sitting and tall.
  • Gently squeeze your shoulder blades, as if trying to hold a pencil between them.
  • Keep it and then release it.
  • Repeat 10 to 15 times.

This exercise also improves posture and strengthens the muscles in your back.

7. Pelvic tilt

  • Lie on your back, bend your knees and flatten your feet on the floor.
  • Gently tilt your pelvis and push your hips into the floor.
  • Release and repeat.
  • Repeat 10 to 15 times.

This workout also strengthens the core muscles that support the spine and neck.

8. Swimmer (modified)

  • The arms are spread out forward.
  • Remove one arm and the other leg slightly from the floor.
  • Lower it and repeat on the other side.
  • Repeat 6-8 times on each side.

This exercise will help you strengthen your back and shoulder muscles.

PCOS Pilates
This Pilates moves to manage neck pain are very beneficial. Image provided by ShutterStock

9. Cat Cow (Neutral Spine)

  • Start with all four.
  • Inhale, gently arch your back, and look a little upwards.
  • Exhale, lie on your back, and push your chin in.
  • Repeat 5 to 10 times.

This workout will help you improve your spine’s mobility and flexibility.

10. The arm lying down reaches

  • Lie on your back, bend your knees and flatten your legs.
  • Extend one arm towards the ceiling and reach the back wall.
  • Alternate arms, reach and descend.
  • Repeat 10-12 times for each arm.

This workout will help you lengthen your back and shoulder muscles.

Side effects of doing pilates for neck pain

Below are some of the potential side effects of doing Pilates for neck pain.

  • Incorrect movements, especially exercises that involve neck flexion and rotation, can worsen existing pain or create new discomfort.
  • Tension headaches can result from increased tension in the neck and shoulder muscles, especially when exercise is not done incorrectly.
  • Like other new exercise programs, Pilates can cause muscle pain, especially in the early stages.

If you experience any of these side effects, it is important to stop exercise and consult with a healthcare professional.

Related FAQs

Is Pilates safe for people with existing neck injuries?

That may be true, but it is important to consult a doctor or physiotherapist first. Qualified Pilates instructors can change the exercises to meet your specific needs.

How often should I do Pilates for neck pain?

Consistency is important. Aim for 2-3 sessions a week, but always listen to your body and avoid excessive tolerance.

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