In the darkest corners of the Cauldron Nebula lies Barracuda Bay Penal Colony, where Benedict Jones and his team of former Union Army Marines are unjustly imprisoned for a crime that has tipped the galaxy toward chaos.
With a reputation built on a legendary assassination they didn’t commit, this squad’s only chance of survival is a daring escape from the most dangerous prison in the universe.
From the first page of their desperate fight for survival inside the deadly confines of Barracuda Bay, to the last breathless escape through a minefield of cosmic dangers, the Battlecry series promises non-stop action and intrigue.
This box set contains the full series – an interstellar adventure of courage, camaraderie, and conviction, where the lines of justice are redrawn in the vacuum of space:
BetrayedBay RunForgottenOld AlliesNew EnemyTrappedSovereignFreedom
Join the Battlecry team as they prove that even in the depths of darkness, the fight for truth and freedom can illuminate the galaxy.
Note: This series is for fans of old fashioned adventure sci-fi. If you’re looking for hard sci-fi, look elsewhere. But if you enjoy endless space battles and wall-to-wall fun, read on!
Language : English
File size : 2957 KB
Simultaneous device usage : Unlimited
Text-to-Speech : Enabled
Screen Reader : Supported
Enhanced typesetting : Enabled
X-Ray : Not Enabled
Word Wise : Enabled
Print length : 1172 pages
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