London police crackdown phone snatches 230 arrests in a week

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Capital police crackdowns on phone calls in London have arrested 230 people in just a week’s space and retrieved more than 1,000 calls.

Police also reported that the gang had been found to have been guilty of dealing with more than 5,000 stolen mobile phones.

London police crackdown phone snatch

BBC News Police report using a combination of Plain Cross executive phone tracing and deployment in known criminal spots to catch burglars.

230 people were arrested by Metropolitan Police last week for a brief summary of “industrial scale” crimes that smoke cell phones across London. In the fight against the “tragedy of cell phone crime,” the military also said it had seized more than 1,000 mobile phones.

The work has been “surged” to deal with £50 million annual trade in stolen mobile phones across the capital, along with all those targeted by theft, handling and criminal supply. I stated.

The most common tactic employed by smartphone burglars is to ride a stolen scooter or evikes. They then get on the sidewalk and come behind the victim to take the device.

Early on, safety concerns led police to suspend their pursuit of scooter riders when they were deemed too high of a risk to the rider. However, after complaining to the public about this, the policy was changed and officers were able to continue tracking and knock off the vehicle using “tactical contact.”

You can enjoy some examples of this here:

Apple’s introduction of activation lock in 2013 saw a dramatic reduction in iPhone theft in some cities, but the effects fluctuated as they could still be stolen for parts.

The release after part pairing provided even more deterrent, but the issue of DIY repairs has proven this practice highly controversial. Apple later provided a solution to this through the process of “blessings” alternative parts.

Image: metropolis police

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