Jamaica Blue Mountain coffee, 100% Arabic beans. The champagne of cafes. Our 100% Jamaica Blue Mountain coffee is certified by the Jamaica Coffee Industry Board (the highest regulatory authority in Jamaica) as authentic and pure Jamaica Blue Mountain coffee. It is widely recognized by coffee connoisseurs for its smooth, delicate flavor and unmistakable aroma. The coffee is roasted in Jamaica by Coffee Roasters of Jamaica Ltd, a family business founded in 1994. Unfortunately, Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee labeled coffee is sometimes blended with lower grades of coffee and sold to unexpected customers. All coffees leaving Jamaica are required to have an inspection certificate from the Jamaican Coffee Industry Board. We encourage customers to ask sellers to supply a copy of their inspection certificate, without which there is no assurance that the coffee they are buying is in fact authentic. Also, coffee is sometimes bought in Jamaica by “dealers” and sold online without regulatory testing or approval, but once again those people have no inspection certificate. Our coffee is roasted, vacuum packed and certified in Jamaica, airlifted to our UK facility and then shipped daily to our customers. Therefore, we can guarantee that there is no chance of our Blue Mountain coffee being mixed or tampered with in any way. It’s just 100% Jamaica Blue Mountain coffee.
Model number 5031680870060.
Café moulu 100% jamaïque blue mountain par sac
100% giamaica blu montagna macinato coffee per sacchetto
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