When the Imperial Twins, a behemoth military starship carrying 270 fighter aircraft and over 100,000 soldiers, goes missing, a team of experts are called upon to investigate.
The lead team from the Lithion Starship Crash Investigation Unit—Nevin, Lake, Birk, and an artificial intelligent android, Krakish—leave the safety of their home world to travel to Grovsia, the right hand of the Galactic Federation. There, they soon discover there has been a cataclysmic detonation of hydrogen on board the ship, and one of its particle colliders was damaged just prior to its destruction.
The mystery deepens when they learn the ship’s data recorder is missing, and that the Grovlic’s intelligence community may be responsible.
In the wake of a personal tragedy, Nevin struggles with the assignment. Will he and his team rise to the challenge and piece together the chain of events that led to the greatest loss-of-life event in interstellar travel history?
From the Publisher
Language : English
File size : 5840 KB
Simultaneous device usage : Unlimited
Text-to-Speech : Enabled
Screen Reader : Supported
Enhanced typesetting : Enabled
X-Ray : Not Enabled
Word Wise : Enabled
Print length : 308 pages
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